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School Field Trips
Program Reports Academic Year 2023-2024
Each year we welcome over 2,500 students and staff from schools worldwide.
Our 2023-2024 Programs

Regents Bangkok, Y6
C - for cleaning up the ocean of all its rubbish whilst watching a beautiful sunset
H - for having lots have fun and laughter with friends playing games.
A - for all the animals we saw when exploring the mangroves.
N - for the nighttime fun with campfire games, shows and marshmallows to roast
T - for The Fishing lady who answered all our questions, teaching us about sustainable fishing.
H - for helping each other when paddleboarding, and encouraging each other when we fell in.
A - for always asking questions to the locals of a small village, learning about all the snacks they make and their community.
B - for being brave sleeping away from home and being there for your friends.
U - for understanding how we can help protect our planet.
R - for reading out loud, with a big loud brave voice, the cool mangrove facts we were given
I - will always remember the Chanthaburi trip!
H - for having lots have fun and laughter with friends playing games.
A - for all the animals we saw when exploring the mangroves.
N - for the nighttime fun with campfire games, shows and marshmallows to roast
T - for The Fishing lady who answered all our questions, teaching us about sustainable fishing.
H - for helping each other when paddleboarding, and encouraging each other when we fell in.
A - for always asking questions to the locals of a small village, learning about all the snacks they make and their community.
B - for being brave sleeping away from home and being there for your friends.
U - for understanding how we can help protect our planet.
R - for reading out loud, with a big loud brave voice, the cool mangrove facts we were given
I - will always remember the Chanthaburi trip!

Travel for Teens USA, August 2023, Krabi and Bangkok
Experiencing Thailand leads to a rich tapestry of experience. Our American Teenagers explored the hot springs and swamp forest of Krabi; interacted with the local community while learning the techniques of batik and were stunned by the splendor of the Grand Palace.
An evening cruise in the Chao Phraya brought this amazing trip to an end.
An evening cruise in the Chao Phraya brought this amazing trip to an end.

Berkeley International School, Year 5, 5 & 6 September 2023
After some extensive research in their own classrooms, Berkeley students arrived ready to explore the Chao Phraya River. We started by observing the river and the many businesses, homes, and lifestyles it supports. Berkeley students had already learned about many of the creatures and plants in the river. We spent some time making our own watershed to see how rivers form and to better understand the idea of watershed. Students surprised us by already knowing the origin of how the water hyacinth made its way to Thailand. We took a break from our curriculum activities to split into barge crews to clean our boat, record our visit in the log book, play some games, and cook our delicious pad see ew for lunch. After lunch, we started the favorite activity of the group exploring macroinvertebrates. Lots of creatures were found hiding in the water hyacinth from snails, dragonfly larva, leeches, worms, shrimp, various nymphs, and a stray fish. From the species survey we could conclude the
health of the river before we further examined the causes of the widespread pollution. It was two amazing days with enthusiastic learners.
health of the river before we further examined the causes of the widespread pollution. It was two amazing days with enthusiastic learners.

Amnuay Silpa School, Year 5, 13-14 September 2023, Chao Phraya, River of Kings
I cruise the river, seeing my friends haul sand or passengers over the shifting waters. I do not know what adventure awaits me today, as I pull up to Phra Sumen Fort pier. WOW! Children from Amnuay Silpa are coming aboard my deck! I am excited to show them Chao Phraya and all its amazing sites. They are looking at my friends and listing how they use the river: longtail boats showing tourists the sites and barges floating merrily on the water before they pick up their cargo. The children are so happy to see my animal friends on the river! Water monitors, egrets, and catfish, too?Everyone has come out to say hello! But, what’s this? Trash, rubbish, garbage is everywhere, polluting my beautiful home. I see the children pointing at plastic bottles bobbing along in the current. I hear the children talking to each other about “how sad” it is to see the river like this. They promise to help! They want the river to be free of trash and for me and my friends thrive. Thank you Year 5 and I hope you remember this day – it was one of the best days I have had!

ELC Y5/6, History Hunters, Ayutthaya, 18 - 20 September, 2023
A - n ancient setting
Y - earning for a learning
U- nearthing buried history
T- aking a swing at forging
T- emple exploration
H- elping to make bricks
A- lways sharing our thoughts
Y- ou and your friends can make a difference
A- n appreciation for the past
Y - earning for a learning
U- nearthing buried history
T- aking a swing at forging
T- emple exploration
H- elping to make bricks
A- lways sharing our thoughts
Y- ou and your friends can make a difference
A- n appreciation for the past

Berkeley International School G9
27-29 September 2023
At the start of their high school journey Berkeley grade 9 students needed some bonding time to welcome their new members and to build new memories. We ventured out from Berkeley campus in four vans to Kanchanaburi, where the trip began at OurLand.
After a brief educational walk through the jungle, we devoured a delicious vegetarian lunch and started our river float . We capped off the first day with some simple team games to blend social groups.
We returned to the River Kwai On day 2 for a long scenic paddleboarding session, before we once again blended into new groups for the 3 part machine Sherman tank challenge.
The most difficult challenge still loomed, cooking dinner. Students and teachers worked together in small groups to cook themselves dinner an arduous task as few students had cooking experience. Thankfully we dodged a night of rain allowing us to enjoy a campfire and perform several songs around the fire.
On our last day we had our best weather with strong sunshine as we explored the Legacy River Hotel campus during our amazing race, where students raced to complete challenges and take various photos. With the amazing race completed so was our trip, so we set off to return to Berkely campus.
After a brief educational walk through the jungle, we devoured a delicious vegetarian lunch and started our river float . We capped off the first day with some simple team games to blend social groups.
We returned to the River Kwai On day 2 for a long scenic paddleboarding session, before we once again blended into new groups for the 3 part machine Sherman tank challenge.
The most difficult challenge still loomed, cooking dinner. Students and teachers worked together in small groups to cook themselves dinner an arduous task as few students had cooking experience. Thankfully we dodged a night of rain allowing us to enjoy a campfire and perform several songs around the fire.
On our last day we had our best weather with strong sunshine as we explored the Legacy River Hotel campus during our amazing race, where students raced to complete challenges and take various photos. With the amazing race completed so was our trip, so we set off to return to Berkely campus.

Australian International School Bangkok, Y6
2 - 4 October 2023
K-ind souls
A-ppetite for exploration
N-ice scenery
C-hasing paddleboard instructors
H-aving fun paddle boarding
A-cave used for thousands of years
N-ever giving up
A-ssisting the Samakee community
B-raving group challenges
U-ltra capable students
R-ambling through the jungle
I-ntense energy
A-ppetite for exploration
N-ice scenery
C-hasing paddleboard instructors
H-aving fun paddle boarding
A-cave used for thousands of years
N-ever giving up
A-ssisting the Samakee community
B-raving group challenges
U-ltra capable students
R-ambling through the jungle
I-ntense energy

Australian International School Bangkok, Y5
2– 4 October 2023
Khao Yai
How to make a Khao Yai Cake:
- 65 adventurers
- A large cup of team games
- A smattering of paw prints in the grassland
- Half a teaspoon of leeches
- 180kg of close encounters with Sambar deers
- A pinch of petals, water and elbow grease
- One national park
Step 1: Add your 65 adventurers and your large cup of team games to a baking tray and bake under the sun (with your sun-hats, suncream and plenty of water!) for your sponge cake.
Step 2: For the buttercream you’ll need to whisk 180kg of close encounters with Sambar deers and half a teaspoon of leeches (wearing your leech socks for protection, of course!). Top with a smattering of paw prints from the grassland.
Step 3: Once you’ve iced your Khao Yai Cake, it’s time to decorate! Grind your pinch of petals and water with a little bit of elbow grease; this will create some nature made paint which you can use to garnish.
Step 4: Serve with one national park and enjoy!
- 65 adventurers
- A large cup of team games
- A smattering of paw prints in the grassland
- Half a teaspoon of leeches
- 180kg of close encounters with Sambar deers
- A pinch of petals, water and elbow grease
- One national park
Step 1: Add your 65 adventurers and your large cup of team games to a baking tray and bake under the sun (with your sun-hats, suncream and plenty of water!) for your sponge cake.
Step 2: For the buttercream you’ll need to whisk 180kg of close encounters with Sambar deers and half a teaspoon of leeches (wearing your leech socks for protection, of course!). Top with a smattering of paw prints from the grassland.
Step 3: Once you’ve iced your Khao Yai Cake, it’s time to decorate! Grind your pinch of petals and water with a little bit of elbow grease; this will create some nature made paint which you can use to garnish.
Step 4: Serve with one national park and enjoy!

18-20 October 2023
A-Great time
N-O riding elephants – now we know why it’s bad
C-hecking dams in the Samakeetham community
H-istorical events to be unfolded
A-cross the bridge over the river Kwai
N-ineteen fourty three the bridge was built
A-Fantastic time swimming in the pool
B-ath time for the elephants
U-nearthing insects from underground
R-eptiles, mammals, amphibians…
I-nvestigating the use of bamboo.
A-Great time
N-O riding elephants – now we know why it’s bad
C-hecking dams in the Samakeetham community
H-istorical events to be unfolded
A-cross the bridge over the river Kwai
N-ineteen fourty three the bridge was built
A-Fantastic time swimming in the pool
B-ath time for the elephants
U-nearthing insects from underground
R-eptiles, mammals, amphibians…
I-nvestigating the use of bamboo.

Australian International School Bangkok, Y4,
30 - 31 October 2023
Buffalo riding
Just like our grandmas used to
Made us feel so brave.
Ploughing the paddy
And planting rice in the mud
Was a good challenge.
In Suphanburi
Gathering water chestnuts
We made tub tim krob.
More local wisdom,
Dying with natural dyes
Amazing patterns.
Campfire and games
We had a fantastic time
Away with our friends.
Just like our grandmas used to
Made us feel so brave.
Ploughing the paddy
And planting rice in the mud
Was a good challenge.
In Suphanburi
Gathering water chestnuts
We made tub tim krob.
More local wisdom,
Dying with natural dyes
Amazing patterns.
Campfire and games
We had a fantastic time
Away with our friends.

Regent’s Bangkok
1-3 November 2023
Khao Yai
Forest Detectives in Khao Yai!
Finding excitement in the scavenger hunt… Forest Detectives!
Kiwi ball to learn about human influences in National Parks… Forest Detectives!
Exploring the Visitor Centre Museum and its river view… Forest Detectives!
Hiking in the grasslands, hunting for tracks and signs of animal activities… Forest Detectives!
Stalking as a predator finding its prey in the pitch black of night… Forest Detectives!
Avid adventurers, hiking in the rainforest, learning of all its sights and sounds… Forest Detectives!
Learning the about forest food webs and the relationship between our forest friends… Forest Detectives!
Liking Lichen linked to our hikes – spotting and identifying lichens in the rainforest… Forest Detectives!
Seeking natural colours all around and finding some bugs along the way… Forest Detectives!
Discovering how animal vision is different to humans and seeing the world through their eyes… Forest Detectives!
Surveying the forest and grasslands at night with an expert ranger to guide us… Forest Detectives!
Oh Deer! to understand deer population dynamics and look at how resources availability changes their populations… Forest Detectives!
Global citizens picking litter to help conserve our natural world… Forest Detectives!
Creating Art from Nature with Goldsworthy as our inspiration… Forest Detectives!
Investigating the homes of creepy crawly critters in their Rotting Condominiums… Forest Detectives!
Meditating and remembering this Special Spot in nature – the sights, smells and sounds… Forest Detectives!
Reflecting on the skills and knowledge that have been learned… Forest Detectives!
Finding excitement in the scavenger hunt… Forest Detectives!
Kiwi ball to learn about human influences in National Parks… Forest Detectives!
Exploring the Visitor Centre Museum and its river view… Forest Detectives!
Hiking in the grasslands, hunting for tracks and signs of animal activities… Forest Detectives!
Stalking as a predator finding its prey in the pitch black of night… Forest Detectives!
Avid adventurers, hiking in the rainforest, learning of all its sights and sounds… Forest Detectives!
Learning the about forest food webs and the relationship between our forest friends… Forest Detectives!
Liking Lichen linked to our hikes – spotting and identifying lichens in the rainforest… Forest Detectives!
Seeking natural colours all around and finding some bugs along the way… Forest Detectives!
Discovering how animal vision is different to humans and seeing the world through their eyes… Forest Detectives!
Surveying the forest and grasslands at night with an expert ranger to guide us… Forest Detectives!
Oh Deer! to understand deer population dynamics and look at how resources availability changes their populations… Forest Detectives!
Global citizens picking litter to help conserve our natural world… Forest Detectives!
Creating Art from Nature with Goldsworthy as our inspiration… Forest Detectives!
Investigating the homes of creepy crawly critters in their Rotting Condominiums… Forest Detectives!
Meditating and remembering this Special Spot in nature – the sights, smells and sounds… Forest Detectives!
Reflecting on the skills and knowledge that have been learned… Forest Detectives!

14-15, 16-17 November 2023
Khao Yai
“Come and look! I’ve found a cicada”
“We saw a yellow banded krait”
“There were so many stars”
“The grassland was beautiful”
These are just some of the comments overheard as excited G4 students experienced the beauty and wildlife of Khao Yai National Park.
Exploring animal senses, students considered how animals might see colour and how different fields of vision help the to survive in their habitat.
“We saw a yellow banded krait”
“There were so many stars”
“The grassland was beautiful”
These are just some of the comments overheard as excited G4 students experienced the beauty and wildlife of Khao Yai National Park.
Exploring animal senses, students considered how animals might see colour and how different fields of vision help the to survive in their habitat.

Samsen M2, 18,19,25,26 November 2023, Chao Phraya River
Learning outside of the classroom is memorable and helps students to make connections that may not be so clear when studying from books or videos. M2 students joined the barge to investigate pollution. After observing land use along the riverbank and economic activity along Chao Phraya itself, students carried out physical, chemical and biological water testing to find out more about the pollution in the river.

Regents International School, Bangkok Y5, 21-24 November 2023, Ayutthaya
Looking for clues, listening to stories, and making traditional bricks all helped these Y5 history hunters discover more about the role the Chao Phraya River played in making Ayutthaya a famous trading nation lasting 400 years. Students also used macro invertebrates to assess the present day water quality to understand why river dolphins no longer play in the river as they had done 400 years ago.

Early Learning Centre Y5/6
In School Program
30 October 2023
Discovering Water Hyacinth
Students from ELC were curious to learn more about the water hyacinth plant that blocks up the klongs and floats along the Chao Phraya so staff went into school armed with samples for them to investigate and to help answer some of the questions they had been thinking about.
It was a great morning of discovery as students traced the origins and stories about this water plant, looked at its structure and discovered the animals making their homes amongst its roots.
It was a great morning of discovery as students traced the origins and stories about this water plant, looked at its structure and discovered the animals making their homes amongst its roots.

28 November - 1 December 2023
Hiking, paddle-boarding, kayaking, snorkelling, cooking, camping, swimming and investigating communities ... it was an action-packed 4 days that brought NIST Y7 students close to many fragile habitats and helped students to consider their impact on these diverse environments. Getting wet and dirty, sandy and salty ensured the week was truly experiential.

Berkeley International School G10-G11
27-29 September 2023
Chanthaburi, here we come:
Berkeley students gonna have some fun!
Paddle boarding was a bit wet,
But an experience we’ll never forget.
Even despite a lot of rain,
We know this trip was not in vain:
Teamwork, friendship, cooking too,
With mangroves, forest and a sea view.
Swimming, dancing, lots of fun,
We didn’t even miss the sun!
So thanks for putting up with the rain,
Berkeley students - please come again!
Berkeley students gonna have some fun!
Paddle boarding was a bit wet,
But an experience we’ll never forget.
Even despite a lot of rain,
We know this trip was not in vain:
Teamwork, friendship, cooking too,
With mangroves, forest and a sea view.
Swimming, dancing, lots of fun,
We didn’t even miss the sun!
So thanks for putting up with the rain,
Berkeley students - please come again!

Kensington International School, KS 1
Ko Kret
4 December 2024
Ko Kret island life
Floating along the river
I see boats and fish
Mon people use clay
We made pots and toys from clay
Beautiful patterns
The leaning Chedi
Who is sleeping under there
A crocodile is
Floating along the river
I see boats and fish
Mon people use clay
We made pots and toys from clay
Beautiful patterns
The leaning Chedi
Who is sleeping under there
A crocodile is

St Andrew's 107
13 - 17 November,2023
Snorkelling was a highlight for students fro St Andrews 107, allowing them to discover first hand the amazing world below the surface of the Gulf of Thailand. Even thought the reef is not in perfect condition, students were able to see something of the bio diversity and appreciate the importance of this underwater world.

Regents Pattaya Y6
20-24 November 2023
Chiang Mai
11-12 hours on a train, they jumped straight into the game, and we still heard no complaints.
Who said doing things the old ways are boring? Regent’s Pattaya Y6 students had so much fun learning and experiencing traditional technologies, especially the rice planting and harvesting methods, along with many other traditional practices in Chiang Mai which made them totally forgot about exhaustion.
Well done everyone for your energy and enthusiasm!
Who said doing things the old ways are boring? Regent’s Pattaya Y6 students had so much fun learning and experiencing traditional technologies, especially the rice planting and harvesting methods, along with many other traditional practices in Chiang Mai which made them totally forgot about exhaustion.
Well done everyone for your energy and enthusiasm!

Nord Anglia, Hong Kong, Y6 - Kanchanaburi, 6-10 November 2023
Across the world, we flew to see the awe and wonder of Kanchanaburi.
We had three days of different skills, to build our friendships and our wills!
We learnt of war and the prisoners it took - much better than learning from a history book!
The River Kwai and Hellfire Pass made us think and reflect as a class.
Next we had survival day, building shelters from storms - we found a way!
Natural tie dye was so much fun - turmeric and nono wood dye for everyone!
Then we helped the elephants out: Malee and Kammoon loved us, without a doubt!
They must’ve been thankful we cut up their food, which is turned into paper after they’ve pooed!
Lots of games, campfire and disco too! An exciting week, but it’s time to rest - phew!
We had three days of different skills, to build our friendships and our wills!
We learnt of war and the prisoners it took - much better than learning from a history book!
The River Kwai and Hellfire Pass made us think and reflect as a class.
Next we had survival day, building shelters from storms - we found a way!
Natural tie dye was so much fun - turmeric and nono wood dye for everyone!
Then we helped the elephants out: Malee and Kammoon loved us, without a doubt!
They must’ve been thankful we cut up their food, which is turned into paper after they’ve pooed!
Lots of games, campfire and disco too! An exciting week, but it’s time to rest - phew!

Harrow International School, Bangkok, Year 13 Biology field trip.
10 - 14 November, 2023
In the midst of University applications and interviews a fantastic group of Year 13 students from Harrow International School travelled to the Andaman Coastal Research Station for Development, Kasetsart University in Ranong province.
It was a trip dedicated to practical biology field work; catch & release, chemical and physical water testing, transects, and measuring biodiversity. With practical skills completed in different coastal ecosystems in the day and data processing in the evenings, it was a busy program, but don't worry! we had time for relaxing sunset beach walks and alot of good laughter.
With seagrass meadows, rocky shore, estuary, sandy beach and mangrove forests all within reach, this Station allows for a unique base to explore coastal and marine ecosystems.
It was a trip dedicated to practical biology field work; catch & release, chemical and physical water testing, transects, and measuring biodiversity. With practical skills completed in different coastal ecosystems in the day and data processing in the evenings, it was a busy program, but don't worry! we had time for relaxing sunset beach walks and alot of good laughter.
With seagrass meadows, rocky shore, estuary, sandy beach and mangrove forests all within reach, this Station allows for a unique base to explore coastal and marine ecosystems.

King's College International School Bangkok Y3
25, 26 October 2023
Ko Kret
Y3 students from Kings College International School discovered more about the Chao Phraya River when they took the ferry to Ko Kret where they found out about how the island was formed, and its connections with King Rama V. Students visited a working factory and experienced throwing clay pots. They thought about Mon children living on Ko Kret f300 years ago as they fashioned small clay animals from pieces of clay, just as those children would have done.

King's College International School, Y3
12 - 13 December 2023
Our History Hunters discovered Ayutthaya through the story of Chao Phraya:
Mighty Chao Phraya
You have provided fish and rice since before soldiers stood guard at Fort Phom Phet,
You protected the island of Ayutthaya from attacking armies
You transported the traders from far away lands
You shared your clays and muds to build Ayutthaya
You have carried Kings and Noblemen, traders and commoners
International communities settled on your river banks
Ebbing and flowing, in flood and in drought
Across the centuries
and still today
bringing tourists to marvel at this
UNESCO World Heritage Site
Mighty Chao Phraya
You have provided fish and rice since before soldiers stood guard at Fort Phom Phet,
You protected the island of Ayutthaya from attacking armies
You transported the traders from far away lands
You shared your clays and muds to build Ayutthaya
You have carried Kings and Noblemen, traders and commoners
International communities settled on your river banks
Ebbing and flowing, in flood and in drought
Across the centuries
and still today
bringing tourists to marvel at this
UNESCO World Heritage Site

ELC Y3 Ko Kret
11 November 2023
A day at Ko Kret
Little feet got off the vans in the parking lot near Ko Kret,
The little ones from ELC year 3 were ready to begin a voyage,
A voyage to an island across a river filled with giant cat fish and crocodile dens,
With bright orange life jackets on, we fed the giant catfish and were granted permission to cross,
The island Potter greeted us with his potters wheel and shared with us his skill,
Clay animals came to life in little muddy hands,
An Oriental Magpie Robin watched in amusement and utter disbelief,
A survey of a crocodile den was conducted by a small team of young minds. Results of this survey will be published soon,
Respect was given to the leaning one before the giants of the river watched over our crossing...
Little feet got off the vans in the parking lot near Ko Kret,
The little ones from ELC year 3 were ready to begin a voyage,
A voyage to an island across a river filled with giant cat fish and crocodile dens,
With bright orange life jackets on, we fed the giant catfish and were granted permission to cross,
The island Potter greeted us with his potters wheel and shared with us his skill,
Clay animals came to life in little muddy hands,
An Oriental Magpie Robin watched in amusement and utter disbelief,
A survey of a crocodile den was conducted by a small team of young minds. Results of this survey will be published soon,
Respect was given to the leaning one before the giants of the river watched over our crossing...
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