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Arts & Drama, Prem G7, February 2022

Arts and Drama are part of history. We use them to express our feelings and stories.

As part of the Prem Community Week Program, Prem Grade 7 visited Makhampom Art Space to learn performance structures and techniques.

They explored their body and used different types of recycled equipment to create sounds.

In the afternoon, the students enjoyed making shadow puppets and presenting their stories with the skills they had learnt in the morning.

On the second day, students experienced the arts to learn some of the Chiang Mai's history and culture. This included cooking northern Thai food, Khao Soi and Khanom Kluay.

In addition, they made key rings using the traditional technique of silver embossing. Finally, a collaborative mapping activity and historical wide game unwrapped some of the stories about Chiang Mai's past.

While having fun, students gained knowledge about Chiang Mai's history. I believe they had a great time during these 2 days. :)

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